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    The Benefits of Aqua Yoga

    Having a pool in your backyard allows you to not only enjoy the cool water on those hot summer days, but it can actually be beneficial to your health. Are you familiar with aqua yoga? Sure, perhaps you’ve attended a yoga class at your local studio, but have you thought of doing yoga in the comfort of your backyard pool? Chances are the answer is no, and that’s OK. Aqua yoga is a growing trend that isn’t just for seniors. The idea is to adapt traditional yoga poses to workout that can be performed in chest-level water in a warm, heated pool. This can be a peaceful, easy escape from everyday life, and you don’t even have to leave your yard!

    Doing exercises in water has long been praised for its many wonderful benefits, as the water provides buoyancy and gives the body a gentle massage that can help reduce stress while stretching the muscles at the same time. While you may be able to seek out an aqua yoga class in your local area, doing a little bit of online research of your own could help you learn how to do the poses on your own, in your own swimming pool. Not all yoga poses can be adapted to water, but many can be, especially when you use the wall as if it were the floor. We also encourage you to use props, such as kickboards and noodles (hello, savasana!) Let’s now take a look at some of the top benefits of aqua yoga:

    • Little to no impact on the joints, such as the knees, hips, and ankles
      • Doing yoga in your home swimming pool is great for people who struggle with joint issues or have any sensitivities to these body parts. The water takes away any pressure that is usually put on the joints, allowing you to reap the benefits in a major way.
    • Helps improve balance issues
      • If you struggle with balance in regular yoga classes, aqua yoga may be right up your alley. It is no secret that the water can make us feel like a superhero when it comes to balancing poses like tree, eagle, or warrior three.
    • Weightlessness in water allows for toning and strengthening
      • The weightlessness and buoyancy that water provides supports joints and works to strengthen muscles, tone organs, and so much more.
    • Can strengthen the pelvic floor
      • If you are hoping to strengthen your core and pelvic floor, aqua yoga can be a great tool for you. It allows you to access deep core muscles that are more difficult to work on the land.
    • The wall can provide support and resistance
      • Using the pool wall when performing aqua yoga poses is one of the top benefits. It can provide both assistance and resistance, allowing you to get deeper into a particular posture than you are able to on land.
    • Great for those with injuries
      • If you have any injuries that are keeping you from attending a regular yoga class, aqua yoga could be for you. The gentle water is incredibly supportive and protects any injured body parts, such as your knees or hips.

    Having a pool in your backyard comes with many wonderful benefits, such as allowing you to do aqua yoga! If you are considering having a custom swimming pool installed in your yard, please give Mid City Custom Pools a call today and ask about our services.