Time to Reseal ALL of the Natural Stone and Precast On Your Project

March is in full swing, which means spring is right around the corner. We don’t know about you, but we sure are looking forward to the awesome springtime weather that comes along with this time of year. Now that we’ve sprung forward with daylight savings time, we are more ready than ever before. Not only does springtime mark the time to start getting your pool ready, but it is also the time to reseal all of the natural stone and precast on your outdoor pool and living space.
Here at Mid City Custom Pools, we use a sealer around all of our pools that is specifically manufactured for the industry. This is important because it means the natural stone or precast that comes in contact with the pool water is sealed, preventing any serious damage from taking place. Even though all of our pools come with sealed stone and precast, it is the responsibility of the pool owner to maintain the integrity of the sealant. If you do so, the sealers should last for many years to come.
Tips for Resealing Your Pool’s Natural Stone or Precast
It is important to keep in mind that different sealers have different lifespans. In fact, there are many different variables that may impact how long the sealers last for. This is the number one reason why we cannot warranty our sealers. Generally speaking, we recommend resealing every year in order to ensure the stone or precast concrete remains in excellent shape. When it comes to resealing, you have two options: do it yourself with information from Mid City Custom Pools, or call us to come out and give you a quote. Whichever option you prefer, know that we are here to help!
If you have natural stone around your pool and outdoor space, the sealer we use is called i-shield from Aquron. We like this product for numerous reasons, but namely because it is water resistant, prevents unwanted marks or abrasions, and is quite manageable. Aquron products also do not change the appearance of the stone, providing pool owners with the protection they need without compromising the aesthetic look. We use i-shield on all materials with the exception of travertine, for which we use NS-200 as a sealer.
It is imperative that you seal your natural stone and precast surrounding the pool from time to time in order to maintain the luster and ensure they last for many years to come. The sealant will act as a protective layer against any water or other environmental factors, which is very important in the Texas climate. While we certainly can’t predict the weather, it’s safe to say rain is in our future this spring. The natural rainfall coupled with water from the pool can wreak havoc on your stone or precast concrete, which is the last problem you want to deal with.
To learn more about why springtime is best for resealing all of your natural stone and precast, please give Mid City Custom Pools a call today and let us help you!