The Ultimate Guide to Leaks

Having a new swimming pool installed is exciting and probably has you dreaming of those hot Texas summer days. The last thing you want to think about is your pool springing a leak and costing you money. While pools are a great investment, they also come with added costs that can be surprising if you aren’t prepared. One of the best ways to ensure you aren’t faced with costly repairs out of the blue is to stay on top of your pool’s regular maintenance and watch for any potential problem areas. One of the most common issues with swimming pools is leaks. Leaky pipes, for one, can become a huge problem if ignored for too long.

Spotting a Leak Before It’s Too Late – The Bucket Test

The best way to determine if you have a leak is to perform a bucket test. As you may be able to guess, the basic concept surrounding a bucket test is:

  • Make sure the pool water is at its normal level
  • Fill an empty bucket with pool water up to about one inch from the top of the bucket
  • Place the bucket on either the first or second step of the pool
    • If you are worried about it floating away, it may help to place a couple of brings or rocks in the bucket
  • Mark the water level inside the bucket
  • Mark the water level of the pool elsewhere, such as on the outside of the bucket or even the pool wall
  • Let the pool operate as it normally would for 24 hours
  • After 24 hours, check the bucket and compare the level of water inside the bucket and in the pool
    • If the outside mark goes down more than the water level inside the bucket, there is a good chance you have a leak
    • If the levels are close to one another after 24 hours, you are probably leak-free

The bucket test is a pretty fool-proof way to determine if you have a leak or not. In the event the two water levels are off, you may need to call Mid City Custom Pools and have one of our Hurst leak experts come out and take a look. We will test every line within your pool in order to determine where the leak is coming from and go from there. Once the source of the leak is found, you can start taking the appropriate measures to repair it before it gets worse. The location of the leak will determine what needs to be done in order to repair it.

If the levels were pretty close and you are skeptical as to whether or not you have a leak, it may be a good idea to perform another bucket test and compare the levels. You can also do a “pump on/pump off test” in order to get more in-depth information as to the exact location of the leak. This information can be helpful for the leak detection team and will likely save you money in the long run.

How to Prevent Leaks

There are an estimated 20,000 gallons of water flowing in, out, and around your pool at any given time. This is a lot of water and helps us understand why it can be so difficult to locate the exact source of a leak. Here at Mid City Custom Pools, we have a handful of different techniques we use to determine the location and cause of pool leaks.

There are also a handful of things you can do in order to prevent leaks before they turn problematic. One way we do this is through soil stabilization. We try to keep the soil from moving around, as ground movement can lead to leaks. Due to the heavy rains common in North Texas, soil stabilization is hugely important and one of the best ways to stop leaks. Furthermore, soil stabilization can keep your pipes from bursting, causing a huge headache and an expensive problem.

That being said, the absolute best way to prevent leaks on new construction is to check and maintain pressure constantly while building. At Mid City Custom Pools, that is something that we are talking to our superintendents about. We are always encouraging builders to check and document the pressure. This is important because any increase or decrease in pressure may indicate there is a leak or something just isn’t working right. We have your best interests in mind and want to make sure your new pool doesn’t have any problems for many years to come. If you have questions about preventing leaks or about having a pool installed, please do not hesitate to contact our Hurst pool builders.

Enjoy Your Pool While Being Energy Efficient

Energy is a hot topic in our society today, and for good reason. In recent years, we have become far more conscious about our energy consumption and have therefore been making changes in order to conserve energy and, in turn, the planet. Many people don’t think about this, but a home swimming pool can take up a lot of energy. However, there are numerous ways you can conserve energy and enjoy your pool without harming the planet. Here at Mid City Custom Pools, we strive to offer our clients a wide range of options to meet their needs. If saving energy is important to you, we are here to help and answer any questions you may have about how you can do so while still having a refreshing pool in your yard.

There are many different ways that pools consume energy, from the filtration system and motor pumps to lighting. All of the motor pumps offered here at Mid City are energy efficient, meaning they have permanent magnet motors similar to those found in hybrid cars. In addition to making sure the motor you choose is energy efficient, here are a few other tips to help you “go green” with your home swimming pool:

Buy Pool Chemicals in Bulk

One of the easiest ways you can green your pool routine is to buy chemicals in bulk. Your pool requires a range of different products and chemicals to maintain the pH and keep it safe for use, so why not stock up? Not only will this save you money in the long run, but it will cut down on waste and packaging.

Make Sure Your Pool Pump is Energy Efficient

As we mentioned, Mid City Custom Pools only offers energy efficient pumps and filtration systems. We use a cartridge system from IntelliFlo that is the best on the market. We don’t offer any induction-type motor pumps in an effort to save energy and provide a more efficient system. Back in the day, all pool pumps were single speed induction models, which relied on older technology and was one of the main reasons why energy bills were so high. There is a great YouTube video that breaks down the differences between the IntelliFlo filtration system and single speed pump if you would like to see for yourself. This pump is a big deal and has completely changed the way pool water is filtered and cleaned. During the winter months, the freeze guard kicks on and can even run for 24 hours a day. This is life – and money – saver for clients during the off season and one of the reasons we are such huge advocates for IntelliFlo.

Prevent Leaks</h4
One of the biggest problems for pool owners when it comes to keeping bills low and conserving energy and water is pool leaks. Leaks happen, no doubt, but taking the steps to prevent them to the best of your ability will go a long way in the end. Here at Mid City, we encourage our pool owners to stay on top of regular maintenance and call us at the first sign of a leak. Taking a proactive approach to maintaining your pool will keep your bills low and stop any chance of wasting water.

LED Lights vs. Regular Lights

It is a known fact that LED lights are far more energy efficient than regular bulbs, so why are you still using regular bulbs for your pool? Whether you are looking for accent lighting or in-ground lights for your pool, LED is definitely the way to go. LED bulbs require far less wattage than regular CFL or incandescent light bulbs, which means they will help keep your energy bills low – in addition to lasting much longer.

If you are looking for a Southlake pool builder who will help you save energy without cutting any corners, give Mid City Custom Pools a call today.

The Benefits of Aqua Yoga

Having a pool in your backyard allows you to not only enjoy the cool water on those hot summer days, but it can actually be beneficial to your health. Are you familiar with aqua yoga? Sure, perhaps you’ve attended a yoga class at your local studio, but have you thought of doing yoga in the comfort of your backyard pool? Chances are the answer is no, and that’s OK. Aqua yoga is a growing trend that isn’t just for seniors. The idea is to adapt traditional yoga poses to workout that can be performed in chest-level water in a warm, heated pool. This can be a peaceful, easy escape from everyday life, and you don’t even have to leave your yard!

Doing exercises in water has long been praised for its many wonderful benefits, as the water provides buoyancy and gives the body a gentle massage that can help reduce stress while stretching the muscles at the same time. While you may be able to seek out an aqua yoga class in your local area, doing a little bit of online research of your own could help you learn how to do the poses on your own, in your own swimming pool. Not all yoga poses can be adapted to water, but many can be, especially when you use the wall as if it were the floor. We also encourage you to use props, such as kickboards and noodles (hello, savasana!) Let’s now take a look at some of the top benefits of aqua yoga:

  • Little to no impact on the joints, such as the knees, hips, and ankles
    • Doing yoga in your home swimming pool is great for people who struggle with joint issues or have any sensitivities to these body parts. The water takes away any pressure that is usually put on the joints, allowing you to reap the benefits in a major way.
  • Helps improve balance issues
    • If you struggle with balance in regular yoga classes, aqua yoga may be right up your alley. It is no secret that the water can make us feel like a superhero when it comes to balancing poses like tree, eagle, or warrior three.
  • Weightlessness in water allows for toning and strengthening
    • The weightlessness and buoyancy that water provides supports joints and works to strengthen muscles, tone organs, and so much more.
  • Can strengthen the pelvic floor
    • If you are hoping to strengthen your core and pelvic floor, aqua yoga can be a great tool for you. It allows you to access deep core muscles that are more difficult to work on the land.
  • The wall can provide support and resistance
    • Using the pool wall when performing aqua yoga poses is one of the top benefits. It can provide both assistance and resistance, allowing you to get deeper into a particular posture than you are able to on land.
  • Great for those with injuries
    • If you have any injuries that are keeping you from attending a regular yoga class, aqua yoga could be for you. The gentle water is incredibly supportive and protects any injured body parts, such as your knees or hips.

Having a pool in your backyard comes with many wonderful benefits, such as allowing you to do aqua yoga! If you are considering having a custom swimming pool installed in your yard, please give Mid City Custom Pools a call today and ask about our services.

Mid City Custom Pools Process: The Way We Do Things (Part 3)

Today we are going to continue to take a look at the Mid City Custom Pool’s process that we’ve been discussing over the last couple of months. In part 1, we looked at steps 1 through 4 and in part 2 we discussed steps 5 through 8. In this, part 3, we are going to go over the permit process and what you can expect during pre-construction. Next month we will discuss the actual construction of your pool or backyard project, so keep an eye out for that blog post! While this may seem like a lot of steps to some, in order to ensure your pool is exactly as you envisioned it, we must take a careful approach to each and every step along the way. Designing and building a customized pool is not something that can be done overnight, at least not if you want to enjoy your pool for many years to come. Here at Mid City Custom Pools, we believe in taking the time and due diligence to work closely with our clients in order to ensure no steps are forgotten. It is our goal to build you the pool of your dreams, and it takes a village (or a team of Mid City Custom Pool experts). With that in mind, let’s start to look at the permit process and pre-construction meetings:

  • Permit process completed – Once everything has gone through the permit process, meaning we have received all applicable engineering permits, HOA approval, and access letters, then we can finally schedule the pre-construction meeting.
  • Schedule pre-construction meeting – The pre-construction meeting is, you guessed it, a meeting between the superintendent and client where we will discuss the details prior to starting the project. In some instances, the designer will also be present during this meeting.
  • About the pre-construction meeting – This meeting is designed to review your construction agreement, construction plans, and familiarize you with the superintendent that will be in charge of the build.
    • This meeting is important – and a requirement – because it gives us a chance to schedule a dig/start day with you
    • You will get a chance to meet with the members of our team who will actually be doing the construction of your pool, which is a great opportunity to ask questions and make sure you and our team are on the same page
  • Meet the team – We have a team of people who are involved in the construction side of Mid City Custom Pools, all of whom are headed by the superintendent. His support team will include a scheduler, general manager, project manager, construction supervisor, and the owner.
  • The purpose of the pre-construction meeting – This meeting is a chance for us to go over and emphasize the construction agreement, construction plans, and any changes that need to be made (such as material changes). This is important because we are still able to make adjustments at this time without throwing a wrench in the entire design process. We make a point to discourage design changes at this juncture, due to the fact it will significantly delay the completion time of your project.
  • Tentative dig date provided – After the pre-construction meeting we will provide you with a tentative dig date, giving you a better idea of when things really get started.

Next month we will discuss the actual construction process, so check back in with us then!

Time to Reseal ALL of the Natural Stone and Precast On Your Project

March is in full swing, which means spring is right around the corner. We don’t know about you, but we sure are looking forward to the awesome springtime weather that comes along with this time of year. Now that we’ve sprung forward with daylight savings time, we are more ready than ever before. Not only does springtime mark the time to start getting your pool ready, but it is also the time to reseal all of the natural stone and precast on your outdoor pool and living space.

Here at Mid City Custom Pools, we use a sealer around all of our pools that is specifically manufactured for the industry. This is important because it means the natural stone or precast that comes in contact with the pool water is sealed, preventing any serious damage from taking place. Even though all of our pools come with sealed stone and precast, it is the responsibility of the pool owner to maintain the integrity of the sealant. If you do so, the sealers should last for many years to come.

Tips for Resealing Your Pool’s Natural Stone or Precast

It is important to keep in mind that different sealers have different lifespans. In fact, there are many different variables that may impact how long the sealers last for. This is the number one reason why we cannot warranty our sealers. Generally speaking, we recommend resealing every year in order to ensure the stone or precast concrete remains in excellent shape. When it comes to resealing, you have two options: do it yourself with information from Mid City Custom Pools, or call us to come out and give you a quote. Whichever option you prefer, know that we are here to help!

If you have natural stone around your pool and outdoor space, the sealer we use is called i-shield from Aquron. We like this product for numerous reasons, but namely because it is water resistant, prevents unwanted marks or abrasions, and is quite manageable. Aquron products also do not change the appearance of the stone, providing pool owners with the protection they need without compromising the aesthetic look. We use i-shield on all materials with the exception of travertine, for which we use NS-200 as a sealer.

It is imperative that you seal your natural stone and precast surrounding the pool from time to time in order to maintain the luster and ensure they last for many years to come. The sealant will act as a protective layer against any water or other environmental factors, which is very important in the Texas climate. While we certainly can’t predict the weather, it’s safe to say rain is in our future this spring. The natural rainfall coupled with water from the pool can wreak havoc on your stone or precast concrete, which is the last problem you want to deal with.

To learn more about why springtime is best for resealing all of your natural stone and precast, please give Mid City Custom Pools a call today and let us help you!

Is Your Backyard Ready for Spring Break?

March is here, which means Spring Break for many Texas kids. The weather has been downright balmy and warm lately, so it’s no wonder we are dreaming about spending time in the pool. If you are sticking around town for Spring Break, it may be time to think about getting your backyard and swimming pool ready for some fun. If you chose to winterize your pool like many people do, now may be a good time to take that pool cover off and rid the water of any leaves, branches, or other debris. Before it’s safe for you and the kiddos, your pool will need to be cleared of all the gunk and the water restored to its proper chemical balance.

But the pool isn’t the only thing that may require your attention before school is out for Spring Break. While many people have to travel to warmer climates for Spring Break, we are lucky enough to be able to soak up the sun and warm rays in the comfort of our very own backyards! Whether you are hosting family members, friends, or other loved ones this Spring Break, be sure you take the time to get your pool and outdoor living space in pristine condition. This may seem overwhelming, especially if you haven’t had the opportunity to get out in the yard yet this year, but it will be worth it in the end.

Top Considerations

If you aren’t quite sure where to start when it comes to getting your backyard and pool ready for Spring Break, take the following into consideration:

  • Did you choose to shut down your pool for the winter?
  • Have you been maintaining your pool/spa on a weekly basis?
  • Are the pool heaters working properly?
  • Have you used your outdoor kitchen this summer?
  • Do you use a gas heater on your patio? If so, do you have plenty of propane to keep everyone nice and cozy once the sun goes down?
  • How does your deck or patio look? Could it use a good old fashioned power washing?
  • Is there visible calcium buildup around the edge of your pool?
  • Did you put away all the floats and other fun pool accessories for winter?
  • Does your patio furniture need to be cleaned off?
  • Are all the lights in your pool and around your outdoor entertaining space working?
  • And finally: Are you ready to entertain?

Asking yourself should give you a good place to start when it comes to getting ready for Spring Break. Everyone is different, but tackling these pesky spring chores before the kids are out of school for the week will save you a lot of time – and help your sanity, too. If you did winterize your pool and are in need of someone to help you get it ready and make sure it is safe for the masses, give Mid City Custom Pools a call. We offer regular pool maintenance services and more to homeowners throughout Southlake and neighboring areas. We are here to help you get ready for one of the most anticipated weeks of the year, so give us a call today and schedule an appointment!

What landscaping works best for my backyard?

If you are thinking about or in the middle of a backyard design or redesign project, you may be asking yourself the question, what landscaping works best for my backyard? Especially if you are considering putting a pool in your backyard, you will want to accommodate the particular theme that you decide to go with. There are different factors that need to be considered when picking a type of landscaping for your backyard. Just a few important ones to be considered are:

  • The shape of your backyard
  • The size of your backyard
  • The architecture of your house
  • The overall design of your house
  • How you plan to use your backyard
  • How much maintenance you want to take on
  • Whether or not you have pets
  • Whether or not you have kids
  • How often you spend time in your backyard, etc.

Once you have established the answers to these factors, you can start researching and deciding upon how you want to landscape your backyard. As for the pool, you will first need to factor in the following:

Pool shape and size

The shape and size of your pool will be factored in when it comes to the design and landscaping of your backyard. You need to decide whether or not you want to build a pool that is great for entertaining, for family bonding, for relaxation, or for exercising or even a combination of them. What you want to use your pool for will determine the size, the shape, the depth, etc.

Placement of the pool

You also will need to factor in the position in which you will place your pool. This will have an effect on the rest of the landscaping of the backyard in terms of vegetation, decks, building structures, etc. When deciding on the placement of the pool, you will also want to consider things like where the sunlight will be hitting, whether or not the pool will be under trees, etc.

Spa addition

You will also need to decide whether or not you will be including a spa with your pool as this will of course also affect the landscaping of your backyard.

Once you have decided on the relevant aspects of your pool, you can begin to consider your other Southlake landscaping elements. You need to establish what “theme” you are going for when you are putting everything together. Depending on what you want, there are a few general themes you can choose and go with, being, naturalistic, formal, and classical. Once you have decided on your theme, you can start choosing other landscaping aspects for your backyard. These include things such as:


From stone to concrete, to wood, to cement pavers, etc., there are a lot of options to choose from when it comes to how you want to do your decking. Although these materials can still work together and be implemented neutrally, remember to stick with your theme.


There are multiple options for lighting. How you use lighting in your backyard can add a lot to your design. When you are doing your landscaping considering the following:

  • Focal lighting
  • Pool lights
  • Ambient lighting
  • Shadow lighting
  • Dynamic lighting

Water & Fire Features

water and fire features, these beautiful additions can really compliment and change the feel of your backyard. Consider the following additions to your landscaping designs:

    pergolas, to pool house’s and cabanas, consider adding these beautiful architectural features to really bring your dream backyard together.


    Depending on your level of desired maintenance will be one of the strongest factors in determining the planting you want to implement into your backyard. Also consider how much free space you want to have, as well as the weather and theme of your backyard.

    When it comes to designing and building your backyard, you want to work with people you can trust and rely on. Here at Mid City Custom Pools, we can be just that. Let us work with you to make your backyard dreams a reality. Contact us today, and let’s get started.

5 Common Pool Repairs

When you have a swimming pool, it is important that you take really great care of it in order to avoid expensive repairs. This means consistently and regularly having maintenance done on your pool, as well as taking a closer look at all the working parts to just check that things are always running smoothly. You will need to keep in mind, though, that even with regular maintenance, you will occasionally need to engage in some common pool repairs to keep everything up and running and in good working condition. So, let’s talk about some of the most common pool repairs that you will likely face when owning a swimming pool.

#1 Replacing your pool filter

One of the most common repairs made on pools has to do with the pool’s filter. The pool filter’s function is to keep your pool free from dirt, oils, and debris. This needs to be changed on a regular basis. And if they are not, the filter will likely begin to malfunction which can lead to needing a new cartridge or an intense cleaning. You can avoid extra costs and troubles in the future as well as make your pool filter last longer by making sure to regularly change it.

#2 Replacing your pool heater

A lot of people in Texas use their pool heaters year-round. Whether it be for warm winter or fall swimming, or even for a swim on a cool summer night. Whenever your pool heater doesn’t seem to be working right, you will likely engage in various troubleshooting to address the problem. If you are still unable to identify the problem, you will likely need to call in an expert in Dallas for pool repair. These machines are sensitive and complicated and need to be taken care of very well to ensure their longevity.

#3 Repairing any leaks or cracks

People have a tendency to ignore leaks or cracks if they are small, but this can be problematic. Even small leaks can be causing damage that you may not even be aware of. The longer these go unfixed, the more likely they are to cause worse and more expensive problems to be fixed. If you find a leak, you should call in someone to have it fixed immediately before it leads to more trouble.

#4 Fixing pump motor problems

Another extremely common problem with pools is with the pump motor. This equipment is the most active of your pool’s devices and has multiple moving parts that need to work together for proper function. Whenever there are issues with the pump motor, almost nothing will work right with the pools operating system in terms of filtering, heating, and circulation.

#5 Replacing your pool’s lights

Another common issue is that of with the pool’s lights. You firstly will need to consider how often you change the light bulbs. Typically, a light going out will only need a bulb change, however, sometimes this may not be the simple fix and you will need to call in an expert to check it out.

When it comes to a swimming pool builder in Dallas, you want to choose someone you can trust that will put your needs and wants first when it comes to the customization of your dream pool. Here at Mid City Custom Pools, we are confident that we can be just that pool builder for you. Contact us today, and let’s get started on the backyard of your dreams.

Mid City Custom Pools process, the way we do things (Part 2)

In this post, we’ll be continuing the Mid City Custom Pool’s process. If you read part 1, you would have seen the discussion of the process from step 1 to step 4. In this post (part 2) we are going to continue on from step 5 to step 8. Customizing your pool is a multiple step process, but these steps are all necessary in order to achieve our goal of building the pool of your dreams. So, let’s get going.

#5 One of our main reasons for having the second appointment at our office, is not only to show you your new pool via our 3D software, but also to allow you the opportunity to touch, feel, and grasp the materials that we will be using to construct and build your pool. At this meeting, you will be able to see one of the biggest paver displays of any builder in the area (link paver article here).

#6 After you select your custom materials and the perfect design is agreed upon, we will then fill out our construction agreement so that we can start moving forward with getting your pool in the ground. A 10% deposit will be required upon this signing of the agreement. The deposit will be used for any items that need to be paid for upfront before we are able to begin the construction. We pride ourselves in how we do business with our clients as it is one of the reasons we have successfully been around since 1973.

#7 Once the construction agreement is signed and the 10% deposit is paid, we will move on to the next phase, which is the permitting phase. The permitting phase is executed via your personal design consultant. Your personal design consultant will be with you from the initial meeting to completion of the “permit process”. Later we will explain who you work with after the “permit process”, but rest assured that MCCP has certain designated specialist for your project throughout the entire process.

Our clients love their personal design consultants, as they truly help to bring the backyard vision to life for both parties. The permitting process will consist of a drafter, an engineer (when applicable), and permit runners. Things may be starting to sound complicated, but not to worry because Mid City Custom Pools will handle all of the legwork required during the phase. You just need to sit back and relax and let us do what we do best.

The permitting phase can last between 6 to 8 weeks. Longer processes are usually dependent upon the city, the scope of work, and if you are building on an army core of engineer land.

#8 Once your construction plans are completed by the drafter, we will then take those plans and email them to you. It is sometimes necessary for the client to use these documents to get HOA approval, while we are busy getting permits.

Once all of the paperwork is completed and comes back from the delegated places (the city, the utility, etc.) we will then call you in order to schedule the pre-construction meeting.

As a swimming pool builder in Colleyville, we pride ourselves on the intricate customization of your dream pool, which is why we have used this opportunity to explain our process to you in these two-part posts. If you have more questions about the process here at Mid City Custom Pools or are ready to get started on designing your pool or outdoor spa in Southlake, contact us today. Our team of experts will be happy to help you get on the right track to your dream backyard.

The Benefits of Swimming While Pregnant

Many pregnant women find it much more difficult to stay active while they are pregnant from when they are not. Given the various potential side effects of pregnancy, swollen feet, soreness, nausea, lethargy, cramping and mood swings, it’s no wonder staying active is a bit more difficult. However, many experts suggest that making staying active a priority can actually help with your various pregnancy side effects.

Aerobic exercise helps benefit you and your baby by increasing blood circulation and strengthening your heart. The better your blood circulation, the more efficient your body is at boosting oxygen levels throughout your entire system. Swimming is the safest aerobic exercise you can engage in as an expectant mom and here are some of the additional benefits:

It’s not so hot

Summer is almost over here in Texas, but the temperatures are still high. Outdoor exercise in this heat is simply out of the question for not only expectant moms but almost everyone. There is a solution, though. Swimming in your outdoor pool in Trophy Club means keeping cool while getting in your needed 30 minutes of daily prenatal exercise. Stay cool while staying healthy.

It is low impact and gentle

While your body is already undergoing a lot, participating in high-impact exercise regimens can put a lot of extra strain on your body. Swimming is the safest exercise option while you are pregnant and it is low-impact and gentle on your stressed body. Give your joints a break and relieve the excess weight by trying swimming as your prenatal exercise.

It helps relieve ankle and foot swelling

When your body is submerged in water the fluid in your tissues that causes swelling is pushed back into your veins and filtered out of your body. This helps relieve swelling, which commonly occurs as a side effect in pregnancy. As your blood circulation will also improve from swimming, it will help keep blood from sitting in your lower limbs such as your ankles and feet.

It helps women with blood pressure issues

The increased blood circulation that comes from aerobic exercise such as swimming helps not only relieve swelling but also to stabilize blood pressure levels.

It can help to reduce morning sickness symptoms

Being submerged in cool water has been recognized to help many women with the common side effect of nausea that is experienced during pregnancy.

It can help to ease sciatic pain

While the pressure of gravity is lessened in the water your baby will feel weightless and you will experience less pressing down on your sciatic nerve.

It improves and maintains your endurance during your pregnancy

Maintaining muscle mass and endurance during your pregnancy is important as you are going to need that strength during the birthing process as well as after your baby is born.

Staying healthy means staying active and swimming is the ultimate way to do that while you are pregnant. If are you looking for an outdoor pool builder in Trophy Club, here at Mid City Custom Pools we can help. Contact our trusted and experienced team today and let’s get started on the swimming pool of you and your family’s dreams.